2025 Syllabus - Bands - School/Community


Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.
The time limit is 30 minutes.
Disqualification will occur if Bands take excess time.
This includes setting up, warm-up of a 2 minute selection, playing your 2 selections and removing equipment from the stage.
A warm up selection is to be no longer than 2 minutes, eg. A chorale or hymn tune.

Band Leader's own choice for two selections
Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.
The Kiwanis Music Festival will not supply any music stands or percussion equipment.

Depending on entries, and at the Festival's discretion, the classes could be further split.

Class:112 - Choir -CommunityFee:$45.00Closed
Class:1101NC - Elementary School Grade 8 and underFee:$45.00Closed
Class:1102NC - Elementary School Grade 7Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1103NC - Secondary School - Grades 9-12Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1104NC - Secondary School Band Grade 9-10Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1105NC - Jazz Ensemble High School Grades 9-12Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1106NC - Jazz Band Ensemble AdultFee:$45.00Closed
Class:1107NC - Community Band Age 19 and over

Note: Secondary School Bands are not eligible in this category


Competitive Band

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your School Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.
The time limit is 30 minutes.
Disqualification will occur if Bands take excess time.
This includes setting up, playing your selections and removing equipment from the stage.
A warm up selection is to be no longer than 2 minutes, eg. A chorale or hymn tune.

Band Leader's own choice for two selections
Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.
The Kiwanis Music Festival will not supply any music stands or percussion equipment.

Class:1110 - Elementary School Grade 8 and underFee:$45.00Closed
Class:1111 - School Band, High School Grades 9-12Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1112 - School Band High School Grades 9-10Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1113 - Jazz Ensembles, Elementary Grades 8 and underFee:$45.00Closed
Class:1114 - Jazz Ensembles School Grades 9-10Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1115 - Jazz Ensembles School Grades 9-12Fee:$45.00Closed
Class:1116 - Adult Jazz EnsemblesFee:$45.00Closed

Community Bands

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.
The time limit is 30 minutes.
Disqualification will occur if Bands take excess time.
This includes setting up, warm-up of a 2 minute selection, playing your 2 selections and removing equipment from the stage.
A warm up selection is to be no longer than 2 minutes, eg. A chorale or hymn tune.

Band Leader's own choice for two selections
Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.
The Kiwanis Music Festival will not supply any music stands or percussion equipment.

Depending on entries, and at the Festival's discretion, the classes could be further split.

Band Leader's own choice for two selections
The Kiwanis Music Festival will not supply any music stands or percussion equipment.

Depending on entries, and at the Festival's discretion, the classes could be further split.

Class:1129 - Community Band Age 18 and overFee:$45.00Closed