2025 Syllabus - Recorder

Recorder, Solo, Non-Competitive

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Two contrasting selections. Accompaniment optional.
Standard of excellence (GSB) will be used in Non-competitive sections solo performances.

Duets/Trios should be playing in parts for 20% of the selection.

Class:3601NC - One Year of Study

2 contrasting solo selections per participant

Class:3602NC - Second Year of Study

Two contrasting solo selections by a student who has only had 1 year of recorder tuition.

Class:3603NC - One Year of Study/ Duets

Two contrasting duets for recorders,harmony is expected.

Class:3604NC - Two Years of Study/Duets

Two contrasting duets for recorder, harmony is expected.

Class:3605NC - Trio Third Year

Two contrasting selections, harmony is expected

Class:3609NC - Adult

One selection is required.


Recorder Ensembles

Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Memorization is optional but recommended. Bonus points will be award for memorization.

To be considered for Provincial Festival 2 classes and receive a minimum mark of 85 and adjudicator recommendation are required.
Da capo and dal segno signs must be played.
Repeats should NOT be played unless otherwise indicated in either the RCM or CC Syllabus.

Class:3606NC - Small Ensemble

Two contrasting selections. Ensemble size 10 performers or less.

Class:3607NC - Large Ensemble

Two contrasting selections. Time limit of 8 minutes. Ensemble size up to 20

Class:3608NC - Classroom

For any combination of recorders, multiple performers from the same music class.
Two contrasting selections. Time limit 8 minutes.
Accompaniment optional.

Primary Division Grades 1 - 3, Junior Division Grades 4 - 6, Intermediate Division Grades 7 and 8. A group may include students in grades LOWER than the designated category, but not higher. Eg. A Junior division may include Grade 3 but not Grade 7 students.


School Recorder, Solos

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.
Two contrasting selections own choice.
Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloist must have suitable accompaniment.

These classes are for students who study at school.

Class:3610 - 1 year of study

One selection is required.

Class:3611 - 2 years of study

One selection is required.

Class:3613 - 3 years of study

One selection is required.
