2025 Syllabus - Speech Art

Biblical Reading

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

The selection shall be competitor's own choice with a performance time limit of 5 minutes.
A recitation of an excerpt from the Bible (Old or New Testament, King James Version or New International Version), the Koran, Talmud or other great sacred works using an English translation.
Performer must bring 2 books; one for the adjudicator and an identical one from which to read.

Class:4402 - Solo 11 years and underFee:$28.00Closed
Class:4403 - Solo - 16 years and underFee:$28.00Closed

Monologue Other Than Shakespeare

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Monologue Other Than Shakespeare –

Perform a memorized prose selection (fiction, non-fiction or sacred text) from a published source. Standing or seated in a relaxed but controlled position, the soloist delivers the selection making eye contact with the audience. He/she may use gestures for emphasis.

Scenes should depict one character from a published play or published anthology of monologues.
Scenes may be abridged so that the monologue includes only the words of one character.

Class:4305 - Elementary

one selection is required.

Class:4307 - High School

One selection is required.


Original Poetry

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Competitors perform their own original poem from memory.

Performance will be assessed on content, delivery, creativity and originality.
These classes of original poetry must be spoken by the author. Time limit 5 minutes.
Solo performances only. Two contrasting selections are permitted.

Class:4501 - Elementary

Scripts must be received in the office 72 hours prior to performance day.

Class:4502 - High School

Scripts must be submitted to office 72 hours prior to performance.


Poetry (Lyric,Narrative, Humorous, Canadian)

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Poetry Solo– (Lyric, Narrative, Humorous, Canadian)

• Lyric Poetry Solo – a short poem that is contemplative, an expression of the inner thoughts and feelings of the poet. It includes sonnets, odes and elegies. Selections exhibit a graceful musical rhythm and flow. The content is reflective and emotional, typically written in the first person, and the story element is of secondary importance to the emotion/feeling. Not dramatized. No (or limited) movement or gestures so that attention is never drawn away from the language. (Examples include select works of Dickinson, Shelley, Keats, Rossetti, Tagore, etc.)

• Narrative Poetry Solo– a poem that tells a story, or recounts an event, through verse. It contains a plot, characters, and a setting. It often contains action and dialogue but is told from the narrator's perspective. Usually written in metered verse but does not need to rhyme. Gestures are allowed for emphasis but it is not dramatized. Any movement should flow naturally from the text and the narrator's interpretation. (Examples include select works of Poe, Longfellow, Tennyson, St. Vincent Millay, etc.)

• Humorous Poetry Solo– a light or humorous poem (examples include select works of Roald Dahl, Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash, etc.)

• Canadian Poetry Solo – a published poem written by a Canadian/
poet. (Examples include select works of Roberts, Service, Carson, Lampman, Atwood, Cohen, Montgomery, Ondaatje, Thomas, etc.)

Class:4505 - Elementary Level

2 contrasting selections are required. See descriptions above for Poetry.

Class:4506 - High School

2 contrasting selections are required. Please see description above for Poetry.


Prepared Public Speaking

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table

Public Speaking
Competitor's own choice with a performance time limit of 3 minutes.
Notes, if required, to be on one card 3" x 5" one side only.
A copy of the speech must be provided to the Festival Secretary 72 hours prior to the performance.

Class:4105 - ElementaryFee:$28.00Closed
Class:4106 - High SchoolFee:$28.00Closed
Class:4108NC - School Non CompetitiveFee:$28.00Closed

Prose Speaking

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Prose Solo – An excerpt (in paragraph form) from a published story, novel, or essay (fiction or non-fiction).
The and dialogue. It should be spoken in a story-telling style and not performed as a dramatic scene. No acting and limited movement around the stage. Competitor may stand or be seated.
• Fiction Prose Solo
• Non-Fiction Prose Solo
• Humorous Prose Solo
• Canadian Prose Solo

Competitor's own choice of two contrasting selections.
Maximum performance time is 10 minutes.

Class:4001 - Elementary

2 contrasting selections are required from the Prose definition. Classes are for individuals

Class:4002 - High School

2 contrasting selections are required from the Prose definition.


Shakespearean Monologue, Solo

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Shakespeare Monologue – choice of a scene or play by William Shakespeare.

Scene may be abridged so that the monologue includes only the words of one character.
The selection shall be competitor's own choice and no more than 5 minutes in length.
An example of the material required is "Hamlet's Soliloquy".

Class:4301 - ElementaryFee:$28.00Closed
Class:4302 - High School

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Shakespeare Monologue – choice of a scene or play by William Shakespeare.

Scene may be abridged so that the monologue includes only the words of one character.
The selection shall be competitor's own choice and no more than 5 minutes in length.
An example of the material required is "Hamlet's Soliloquy".


Story Telling

Read all syllabus rules with care.

The Final deadline for the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival is January 29th, 2025.
Payment should be made by e-transfer an invoice that follows is available for the conductor to submitted to your Board for re-imbursement.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

Please provide originals scores to the Hall Secretary-Adjudicator table.

Competitors will be required to tell (not read) a story of 3 to 7 minutes.

Notes may be used on a card not more than 3" x 5" on one side only.
Adjudication will be based on the choice of the story and the presentation.
The story must contact an imaginary audience.
Suggested sources - "A Greek Myth or A Fantasy in a Children's Story." Published stories, or original prose maybe used.
Copy of original must be received by the Secretary 72 hours prior to performance.

Class:4901 - Elementary

One selection is required.

Class:4902 - High School

One selection is required
