2025 Syllabus - Strings

Violin Solo, Levels, List A

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Class:2601 - Level 1

List A slow tempo

Class:2602 - Level 2

List A Slow Tempo

Class:2603 - Level 3

List A Baroque/ Classical Repertoire

Class:2604 - Level 4

List A Concertos, Sonatinas, Fantasias

Class:2605 - Level 5

List A Concertos, Airs Varies, Fantasias

Class:2606 - Level 6

List A Concertos, Airs Varies, Fantasias

Class:2607 - Level 7

List A Concertos, Airs Varies, Fantasias

Class:2608 - Level 8

List A Concertos, Airs Varies, Fantasias

Class:2609 - Level 9

List A Concertos and Air Varies

Class:2610 - Level 10

List A Concerto

Class:2611 - Pre-DiplomaFee:$34.00Closed

Violin Solo, Levels, List B

Current RCM Syllabus rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules . Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitors' own choice. Music to be from the RCM Syllabus (2013) for the appropriate Grade Class entered.
Competitors must supply the Hall Secretary with an Original copy of the music prior to the commencement of the class.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.
All selections from 2021 RCM Syllabus- List C, exceptions Classes 2620 - 2620A (List B).

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Class:2620 - Level 1

RCM Violin Syllabus List B Faster Tempo

Class:2621 - Level 2

RCM Violin Syllabus List B Faster Tempo

Class:2622 - Level 3

RCM Violin Syllabus List B, Traditional and Romantic repertoire.

Class:2623 - Level 4

RCM Violin Syllabus List B in Baroque Style.

Class:2624 - Level 5

RCM Violin Syllabus List B List B, Sonata and Sonatinas

Class:2625 - Level 6

RCM List B Sonata and Sonatinas

Class:2626 - Level 7

RCM List B, Sonata and Sonatina

Class:2627 - Level 8

RCM List B Sonata and Sonatinas.

Class:2628 - Level 9

RCM List B, Sonatas and Sonatinas

Class:2629 - Level 10

RCM List B, Sonatas

Class:2630 - Pre-Diploma

RCM Concertos and Fantasias


Violin Solo, Levels, List C

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules . Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment and repertoire should be selected from the RCM (2021) List C.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2631 - Level 1

One selection is required.

Class:2632 - Level 2

One selection is required.

Class:2633 - Level 3

RCM List C Concert Repertoire after 1930

Class:2634 - Level 4

RCM List C, Concert Repertoire after 1930

Class:2635 - Level 5

RCM List C Concert Repertoire

Class:2636 - Level 6

RCM List C - Concert repertoire.

Class:2637 - Level 7

RCM List C, Concert repertoire.

Class:2638 - Level 8

RCM List C, Concert repertoire.

Class:2639 - Level 9

RCM List C, Concert repertoire.

Class:2640 - Level 10

RCM List C Concert repertoire.

Class:2641 - Pre-Diploma LevelFee:$34.00Closed

Violin Solo, Levels 8 - Pre-diploma, List D

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules . Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice.
All soloists must have suitable accompaniment.
All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2640-8 - Level 8

RCM List D unaccompanied repertoire.

Class:2640-9 - Level 9

RCM List D - Unaccompanied repertoire

Class:2640-10 - Level 10

RCM List D Unaccompanied repertoire

Class:2640-PrD - Pre-diploma

RCM List D Unaccompanied repertoire


Violin Studies, RCM Levels

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules . Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted, competitor's own choice.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2651A - Level 1/2Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2653A - Level 3/4Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2655A - Level 5/6Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2657A - Level 7/8Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2659A - Level 9Fee:$32.00Closed
Class:2659PrD - Level 10/ Pre-DiplomaFee:$34.00Closed

Violin Concert Group, Levels 8 - 10

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules . Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Time limit of 20 minutes, performer to play two contrasting selections.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2668 - Level 8

Time limit of 20 minutes, two contrasting selections at the same level are required.

Class:2669 - Level 9

Time limit of 20 minutes, two contrasting selections both at the same level are required.

Class:2669-10 - Level 10

Time limit of 20 minutes, two contrasting selections at the same level are required.


Violin Solo, Non-Competitive, Age

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.
1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment

Time limit of 5 minutes, performer to play one selection.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2671NC - One year playing experience or less

One selection is required.

Class:2672NC - Two years playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2673NC - Three years playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2674NC - Age 6 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2675NC - Age 8 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2676NC - Age 11 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2677NC - Age 12 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2678NC - Age 14 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2679NC - Age16 years and under

One selection is required


String Ensembles (Chamber Groups)

STRING Duets/Trios/Chamber Ensembles

Definition: Duets and Trios are available in the following categories: Strings
Duets will be scheduled according to discipline.
Please note: Chamber Trios should enter the Chamber Group Class. For the purpose of this competition, trios can be one of the following:

• 3 instruments with piano accompaniment (the piano does not have a solo part)
a) Competitors are required to play one selection only.
b) The Adjudicator will take choice of repertoire into consideration.
c) Memorization is optional, but strongly encouraged.
Accurate performance times must be included on the entry form
Do not guess timings or simply apply the specified time limit.
There is no minimum performance time. The absolute maximum total performance time is as follows:
For All Categories
Competitors must enter the category that matches the oldest competitor's age
Beginner (Ages 8 & Under) – Ten (10) minutes
Primary (Ages 9-10) – Ten (10) minutes
Elementary (Ages 11-12) – Ten (10) minutes
Junior (Ages 13-14) – Fifteen (15) Minutes
Intermediate (Ages 15-16) – Fifteen (15) Minutes
Senior (Ages 17-18) – Fifteen (15) Minutes
Advanced (Ages 19-28) – Twenty (20) Minutes
Adult & Child – Ten (10) minutes
Teacher & Child – Ten (10) minutes
Amateur Adults – Ten (10) minutes
Additional Criteria
a) Competitors may count one or more movements of a multi-movement work as one selection only.
c) For the purpose of this competition:
• Adult & Child duets: Adult is defined as anyone over the age of 19 playing with a younger child.
• Teacher & Child duets: Teacher is defined as anyone who is a music teacher (this would include parents/grandparents, etc. if they are teachers)

Class:2951 - Duet/Trio, Adult/child

1. Refer to Rules 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 24, 49, 52, 64 and 80. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.
3. To be eligible for a scholarship, competitors must enter a minimum of two classes and receive a minimum mark of 85.

Class:2952 - Duet/Trio Beginner Ages 8 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2953 - Duet/Trio Primary Ages 10 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2954 - Duet /Trio Elementary Ages 12 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2955 - Duet /Trio Junior Ages14 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2956 - Duet/Trio Intermediate Ages 16 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2958 - Duet/Trio Senior Ages 18 and under

One selection, 10 minute time frame. See notes above.

Class:2959 - Duet/Trio Adult 29+Fee:$34.00Closed
Class:2960 - Junior Level

Two contrasting selections. Any arrangement of string Instrumentation. See notes above.
Playing at Level 1 - 5.

Class:2961 - Intermediate Level

Two contrasting selections. Any arrangement of string Instrumentation. See notes above.
Playing at a the 6 - 9 Level.

Class:2963NC - Non-Competitive Ensembles

Two contrasting selections. Any arrangement of string Instrumentation. See notes above


Suzuki Violin Solo, Non-Competitive, Book Levels

Competitor's own choice. One selection, please observe repeats. Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules
Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be eligible for a scholarship, competitors must enter a minimum of TWO classes and receive a minimum mark of 85.
To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Class:2680NC1 - Book 1

1. Refer to Rules 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 24, 49, 52, 64 and 80. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.
3. To be eligible for a scholarship, competitors must enter a minimum of two classes and receive a minimum mark of 85.

Class:2681NC2 - Book 2Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2683NC3 - Book 3Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2685NC4 - Book 4Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2687NC5 - Book 5Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2689NCE - Duets/Trios/QuartetsFee:$32.00Closed

Violin Solo, Competitive Age

One selection is required

Class:2690 - one year playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2691 - two years playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2692 - 3 years experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2693 - 6 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2694 - 8 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2695 - 11 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2696 - 12 years and underFee:$28.00Closed
Class:2697 - 14 and under

One selection is required

Class:2698 - 16 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2699 - Age 18 years and under

One selection is required


Viola Solo Levels, List A

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2710 - Beginner/ Level 1

List A RCM repertoire.

Class:2710A - Level 2

RCM List A In a Slower Tempo

Class:2710B - Level 3

RCM List A Baroque and Classical repertoire.

Class:2710C - Level 4

RCM List A Concertos and Concertino, Fantasias, and Air Varies repertoire.

Class:2710D - Level 5

RCM List A Concertos, concertino, Air Varies repertoire.

Class:2710E - Level 6

List A repertoire

Class:2710F - Level 7Fee:$28.00Closed
Class:2710G - Level 8

RCM List A concerto repertoire.

Class:2710H - Level 9

RCM List A Concerto and Viola Solos

Class:2710I - Level 10

List A repertoire.

Class:2710K - Pre-Dip

RCM List A Concerto repertoire.


Viola Solo Levels, List B

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules
Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2720 - Level 1/2

RCM List B in a faster tempo

Class:2723 - Level 3

RCM List B Traditional and 19th C

Class:2724 - Level 4

RCM List B, Baroque repertoire.

Class:2725 - Level 5

RCM List B Sonata and Sonatinas

Class:2726 - Level 6

RCM List B repertoire.

Class:2727 - Level 7

RCM List B repertoire.

Class:2728 - Level 8

RCM List B repertoire.

Class:2729 - Level 9

RCM List B Sonata repertoire.

Class:2730 - Level 10

RCM List B Sonatas repertoire.

Class:2730b - Pre-Dip Level

RCM List B repertoire.


Viola Solo Levels, List C

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules Read all Syllabus rules with care.. 2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2733 - Level 3

RCM List C 20th Century repertoire.

Class:2735 - Level 4 /5

RCM List C Concert repertoire.

Class:2737 - Level 6/7

RCM List C Concert repertoire.

Class:2739 - Level 8/9

RCM List C Concert repertoire.

Class:2730C - Level 10/Pre-Dip

RCM List C Concert repertoire.


Viola Solo, Levels, List D

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2741 - Levels 8/9

List D RCM - unaccompanied repertoire.

Class:2742 - Levels 10/Pre-Diploma

List D, Unaccompanied repertoire.


Viola Study, RCM Levels

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Class:2750 - Level 1/2

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2754 - Level 3/4

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2756 - Level 5/6

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2758 - Level 7/8

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2759 - Level 9/10

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.


Viola Solo, Non-competitive, Age

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2771NC - Age 8 and under

One selection is required

Class:2773NC - Age 11 and under

One selection is required

Class:2775NC - Age 12 and under

One selection is required

Class:2777NC - Age 14 and under

One selection is required

Class:2779NC - Age 16 and under

One selection is required


Viola Solo, Non-competitive, RCM Levels

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.
1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instruments, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2780NC - Level 1/2

One selection is required

Class:2783NC - Level 3/4

One selection

Class:2785NC - Level 5/6

One selection

Class:2787NC - Level 7/8

One selection

Class:2789NC - Level 9/10

One selection


Cello Solo, RCM List A

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Music selection to be taken from the appropriate grade level in the RCM Syllabus (2013) unless otherwise specified. Competitors must supply the Hall Secretary with an original copy of the music prior to the commencement of this class. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2811 - Level 1/2

RCM List B Energetic- Faster Tempo

Class:2813 - Levels 3-5

RCM List A Baroque and Classical repertoire.

Class:2817 - Level 6/7

RCM List A Concertos and Suites

Class:2818 - Level 8/9

RCM List A Concerto repertoire.

Class:2819 - Level 10/ Pre D

RCM List A Concerto repertoire.


Cello Solo, RCM List B

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Music selection must be taken from the appropriate grade level in the RCM (2013) Cello Syllabus. Competitors must supply the Hall Secretary with an original copy of the music prior to the commencement of this class. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2820 - Pre- Level 1/2

One selection List B

Class:2823 - Level 3-5

One selection List B

Class:2827 - Level 6/7

RCM List B Concert repertoire.

Class:2828 - Level 8/9

RCM List B Sonata and Suites repertoire.

Class:2829 - Level 10/Pre-Dip

RCM List B Sonata repertoire.


Cello Solo, RCM List C

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Music selection to be taken from the appropriate grade level in the RCM (2013) Syllabus unless otherwise specified.
Competitors must supply the Hall Secretary with an original copy of the music prior to the commencement of this class.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2833 - Levels 3-5

List C repertoire. Composed after 1830

Class:2837 - Levels 6/7

List C Unaccompanied repertoire.

Class:2838 - Levels 8/9

List C Concert repertoire.

Class:2839 - Levels 10/Pre-Dip

List C Concert repertoire.


Cello Solo, RCM List D

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.
1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Music selection to be taken from the appropriate grade level in the RCM (2013) Syllabus unless otherwise specified. Competitors must supply the Hall Secretary with an original copy of the music prior to the commencement of this class. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2848 - Levels 8/9

List D Unaccompanied Repertoire

Class:2849 - Levels 10/Pre-Dip

List D unaccompanied repertoire.


Cello Studies, RCM Levels

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Class:2852 - Level 1/2

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2854 - Level 3/4

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2856 - Level 5/6

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2858 - Level 7/8

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.

Class:2859 - Level 9/10

Only one study per grade, use of music is permitted.


Cello Solo, Non-competitive, Age

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment. Standard of excellence (GSB) will be used in Non-competitive sections.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2860NC - One year playing experience or less

One selection is required.

Class:2861NC - Two years playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2862NC - Three years playing experience or less

One selection is required

Class:2864NC - Age 8 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2865NC - Age 11 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2866NC - Age 12 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2867NC - Age 14 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2868NC - Age 16 years and under

One selection is required

Class:2869NC - Age 18 years and under

One selection is required


Cello Solo, Non-competitive, Levels

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice. Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have suitable accompaniment. Standard of excellence (GSB) will be used in Non-competitive sections.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2870NC - 1 year playing experience

Competitor's own choice, one selection.

Class:2870NCa - Pre-Level 1

Competitor's own choice, one selection.

Class:2872NC - Level 1/2

Competitor's own choice, one selection.

Class:2874NC - Level 3/4

Competitor's own choice, one selection.

Class:2875NC - Level 5/6

Competitor's own choice, one selection.

Class:2877NC - Level 7/8

Competitor's own choice, one selection.


String Solo Instrument, Concert Group Level/graded Classes

Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

TWO CONTRASTING SELECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. Competitors must enter and compete in one other graded solo class to be considered for the Provincial competition. Selections must be from the same grade level.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.
Unless music is specifically for solo instrument, all soloists must have a suitable accompaniment.

Class:2890 - Levels 6 - 8

Cello or Viola Concert - 2 selections same grade level, and suitable accompaniment.

Class:2895 - Level 9 - 10

Cello/Viola - 2 selections same grade level with suitable accompaniment



Current RCM Syllabus (2021) rules apply.

1. Refer to Rules. Read all Syllabus rules with care.
2. All selections must be played from memory, except Sonatas.

Performance times MUST be included on the entry form.

To be considered for Provincial Finals, competitors must enter a minimum of two same level classes and receive a mark over 85, and be recommended by the adjudicators.

Competitor's own choice with a performance time limit of 20 minutes. This includes setting up, playing the music and removing the equipment from the stage.
A legal copy of the music to be performed must be provided to the Hall Secretary.

All fingering and bowing should be at the performer's discretion.
No marks shall be awarded for adhering to printed bowing or fingering but only to the relationship of those chosen to the musical and technical problems for the individual musical work as a whole.

Class:2970 - Community Orchestra

NOTE: Members must not be over 20 years of age. Mentors are permitted to fill in on missing parts.
