2025 Syllabus - Voice - Popular

Pop Voice Solo, Self-accompanied

Refer to Rules, read all Syllabus rules with care.

One original score of the music or purchased digital music with attached receipt for each selection must be presented at the welcome desk for use by the adjudicator. If sheet music is unavailable, please provide proof of purchase from eg. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Competitor's own choice with a total performance time limit of 5 minutes.
Hard published copies must be on hand for performance. Entry forms will not be accepted unless song title is submitted with entry form.

Performance Requirements for Popular Voice Self-Accompanied Levels:
a) Competitors must perform ONE (1) selection in any of the following genres: pop, pop/ folk, R & B, soul, rock, alternative, indie, jazz or country or own composition. Selections should be covers from commercial artists in these genres.

b) Competitors must accompany themselves in this class. No accompanists permitted. Accepted accompaniment can include piano, guitar (acoustic or electric), or ukulele.

c) A sound system will NOT be provided with a microphone at the venue. Competitors have the option to bring their own microphone which should use a standard XLR cable. If using an electric guitar, the competitor is responsible for bringing an amplifier.

d) Selections from Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Voice and Piano lists are eligible excluding musical theatre and operetta.

e) NOT permitted:
• Selections from Musical Theatre (both staged and non-staged), cabaret, revues, operetta and stand-alone songs in musical theatre style.
• Rap and Hip Hop
• Songs listed in the RCM or CC classical syllabi (Lists A and B from Levels 1-6; Lists A, B, C from Levels 7-10)
• Songs from movie musicals and animated films

f) Competitors must choose selections that are age-appropriate with lyrics that are suitable for all audiences.

g) Memorization is required.

h) Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

To be eligible for a scholarship, and recommendation by Adjudicator to OMFA competition, competitors must enter a minimum of TWO POP Voice classes (at same level) and receive a minimum mark of 85.

Class:0900 - Beginner Ages 6-8

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0902 - Junior 13-14 years

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0903 - Elementary 11-12 years

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0901 - Primary Ages 9-10

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0904 - Intermediate 15-16 years

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0905 - Senior 17-18 years

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0906 - Advanced 19-28

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.

Class:0907 - Adult 29+

Competitor's own choice.
Scores must be handed in to the adjudicator prior to the performance time.
Musical theatre (staged and unstaged), cabaret, revues, operettas, rap and hip hop, classical repertoire lists, and movie musicals and animated films pare NOT permitted. Microphone system is NOT provided by the festival.


Pop Voice, Competitive

Refer to Rules, read all Syllabus rules with care.

One original score of the music or purchased digital music with attached receipt for each selection must be presented at the welcome desk for use by the adjudicator. If sheet music is unavailable, please provide proof of purchase from eg. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Competitor's own choice with a total performance time limit of 5 minutes. Accepted accompaniment can include Live accompaniment by Piano, guitar, ukelele, or backtracks without background vocals. Hard published copies must be on hand for performance. Entry forms will not be accepted unless song title is submitted with entry form.

Performance Requirements for Popular Voice Levels:
a) Competitors must perform ONE (1) selection in any of the following genres: pop, pop/ folk, R & B, soul, rock, alternative, indie, jazz or country or own composition.
Selections should be covers from commercial artists in these genres.

b) Competitors do not accompany themselves

c) A sound system will be provided with a microphone at the venue.
Competitors have the option to bring their own microphone which should use a standard XLR cable. If using an electric guitar, the competitor is responsible for bringing an amplifier.

d) Selections from Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Voice and Piano lists are eligible excluding musical theatre and operetta.

e) NOT permitted:
• Selections from Musical Theatre (both staged and non-staged), cabaret, revues, operetta and stand-alone songs in musical theatre style.
• Rap and Hip Hop
• Songs listed in the RCM or CC classical syllabi (Lists A and B from Levels 1-6; Lists A, B, C from Levels 7-10)
• Songs from movie musicals and animated films

f) Competitors must choose selections that are age-appropriate with lyrics that are suitable for all audiences.

g) Memorization is required.

To be eligible for a scholarship, and recommendation by Adjudicator to OMFA competition, competitors must enter a minimum of TWO POP Voice classes (at same level) and receive a minimum mark of 85.Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

Class:0926POP - Beginner 6-8 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument ( piano, guitar), or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0929POP - Primary 9-10 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar), or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0931POP - Elementary 11-12 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) . The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0933POP - Junior 13-14 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) . The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0935POP - Intermediate 15-16 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0937POP - Senior 17-18 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar), or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0939POP - Advanced 19-28 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar), or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0940POP - Adult 29+

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar), or electronic accompaniment. The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire. Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.


Pop Music Solo, Non-competitive

Refer to Rules, read all Syllabus rules with care.

Competitor's own choice with a total performance time limit of 5 minutes. Accepted accompaniment can include Live accompaniment by Piano, guitar, ukelele, or backtracks without background vocals. Hard published copies must be on hand for performance. Entry forms will not be accepted unless song title is submitted with entry form.

One original score of the music or purchased digital music with attached receipt for each selection must be presented at the welcome desk for use by the adjudicator. If sheet music is unavailable, please provide proof of purchase from eg. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Performance Requirements for Popular Voice Levels:
a) Competitors must perform ONE (1) selection in any of the following genres: pop, pop/ folk, R & B, soul, rock, alternative, indie, jazz or country or own composition.
Selections should be covers from commercial artists in these genres.

b) Competitors do not accompany themselves

c) A sound system will be provided with a microphone at the venue.
Competitors have the option to bring their own microphone which should use a standard XLR cable. If using an electric guitar, the competitor is responsible for bringing an amplifier.

d) Selections from Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Voice and Piano lists are eligible excluding musical theatre and operetta.

e) NOT permitted:
• Selections from Musical Theatre (both staged and non-staged), cabaret, revues, operetta and stand-alone songs in musical theatre style.
• Rap and Hip Hop
• Songs listed in the RCM or CC classical syllabi (Lists A and B from Levels 1-6; Lists A, B, C from Levels 7-10)
• Songs from movie musicals and animated films

f) Competitors must choose selections that are age-appropriate with lyrics that are suitable for all audiences.

g) Memorization is required.

h) Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

To be eligible for a scholarship, competitors must enter a minimum of two classes and receive a mark of over 85.
To be eligible for Provincial Finals, 2 classes of Pop Voice must be performed, along with marks over 85 and the recommended by the adjudicator.
g) Memorization is required.

h) Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

To be eligible for a scholarship, and recommendation by Adjudicator to OMFA competition, competitors must enter a minimum of TWO POP Voice classes (at same level) and receive a minimum mark of 85.

Class:0940NC - Beginner 6-8 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0941NC - Primary 9-10 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0942NC - Elementary 11-12 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0943NC - Junior 13-14 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0944NC - Intermediate 15-16 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0945NC - Senior 17-18 years

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0946NC - Advanced 18-29

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.

Class:0947NC - Adult 29+

Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar) .
The material must be chosen from current or past popular repertoire.
Broadway, Light classical or opera will NOT be permitted in this class.


Pop Voice, Concert Class - Competitive

Refer to Rules, read all Syllabus rules with care.

Competitor's own choice with a total performance time limit of 5 minutes. Accepted accompaniment can include Live accompaniment by Piano, guitar, ukelele, or backtracks without background vocals. Hard published copies must be on hand for performance. Entry forms will not be accepted unless song title is submitted with entry form.

TWO original score of the music or purchased digital music with attached receipt for each selection must be presented at the welcome desk for use by the adjudicator. If sheet music is unavailable, please provide proof of purchase from eg. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Performance Requirements for Popular Voice Levels:
a) Competitors must perform ONE (1) selection in any of the following genres: pop, pop/ folk, R & B, soul, rock, alternative, indie, jazz or country or own composition.
Selections should be covers from commercial artists in these genres.

b) Competitors do not accompany themselves

c) A sound system will be provided with a microphone at the venue.
Competitors have the option to bring their own microphone which should use a standard XLR cable. If using an electric guitar, the competitor is responsible for bringing an amplifier.

d) Selections from Conservatory Canada Contemporary Idioms Voice and Piano lists are eligible excluding musical theatre and operetta.

e) NOT permitted:
• Selections from Musical Theatre (both staged and non-staged), cabaret, revues, operetta and stand-alone songs in musical theatre style.
• Rap and Hip Hop
• Songs listed in the RCM or CC classical syllabi (Lists A and B from Levels 1-6; Lists A, B, C from Levels 7-10)
• Songs from movie musicals and animated films

f) Competitors must choose selections that are age-appropriate with lyrics that are suitable for all audiences.

g) Memorization is required.

h) Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

To be eligible for a scholarship, competitors must enter a minimum of two classes and receive a mark of over 85.
To be eligible for Provincial Finals, 2 classes of Pop Voice must be performed, along with marks over 85 and the recommended by the adjudicator.
g) Memorization is required.

h) Competitors will be judged on their choice of selections, interpretation, contrasting tempi, style, vocal quality and age appropriateness.

To be eligible for a scholarship, and recommendation by Adjudicator to OMFA competition, competitors must enter a minimum of TWO POP Voice classes (at same level) and receive a minimum mark of 85.

Class:0950 - Beginner 6-8 years

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0951 - Primary 9-10 years

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0952 - Elementary 11-12 yearsFee:$35.00Closed
Class:0953 - Junior 13-14 years

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0954 - Intermediate 15-16 years

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0955 - Senior 17-18 years

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0956 - Advanced 19-28

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0957 - Adult 29+

2 contrasting pop voice selections
Accompaniment must be either a solo instrument (piano, guitar, or backtracks (without vocals).

Class:0751 - Beginner 6-8 years

One selection required

Class:0752 - Primary 9-10 yearsFee:$30.00Closed
Class:0753 - Elementary 11-12 yearsFee:$30.00Closed
Class:0754 - Junior 13-14 yearsFee:$30.00Closed
Class:0755 - Intermediate 15-16 yearsFee:$30.00Closed
Class:0756 - Senior 17-18 yearsFee:$30.00Closed
Class:0757 - AdultsFee:$34.00Closed